Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gottfried Helnwein response

       Part 1: The image is a girl's face blown up to see half of her face and man on a rope climbing on it. The man climbing is very tiny and it seems like the face is supposed to resemble to rock climbing. I believe that this photo is more of an artistic image because it is not really realistic and factual. The image is definitely photoshopped due to portion of the man. I don't really understand what kind of message is trying to be portrayed here or what his intent was. The image says to be that the man climbing is admiring the girl's face. The scale of the man and the girl's face makes the photo more depth and almost like it was an overview of the girl.

     Part 2: Seeing image 3, it changes my viewpoint of the image because you can see what they did in making going into this. It looks like there is a giant billboard of a little girl. Where the man on the rope is climbing on it maybe to fix something. The little girl could possibly be a model or a representation of a little girl and what they look like. Or how little girls are wearing makeup and that's what is expected of them. The man could be admiring or judging the image up close by climbing it. I think the image is one continuous image. The image looks like it could be in an urban. Like a public area on a street where lots of people can see it. The girl doesn't look to content and doesn't look like she really wants makeup on. Almost like she is dressed up because that's what the public eye wants to see.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Future self

Power of internet images

I think Jenny is trying to project that she is well traveled, courageous, adventurous, fun and curious.
Jenny seems very successful in what she enjoys doing. It looks like she has been to many places. I think Jenny is more of an independent person but will still be a good friend and help others out. I think many people look up to her and desire to travel as much as she does.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fear project

   (Only one photo because I used a pre existing photo for the project which was approved by you.)

Monday, September 9, 2019

"Lost in the world like me?'

1.  The general premise of the video is that everyone is attached to their phones, so that when something big happens it is recorded. Then they post online for more people to see it.

2.   I believe the video is effected and has a clear message when watching it.  It's intended message comes across even though there is no words spoken.

3.   I think that it could be both a cautionary and what is our current social situation. We are almost there to the point where you can see everything online and and not taken a good look at the people who were effected by the process. The way I interpret the video is that it is saying if we keep going in this direction that we are, we will end up that way.