Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Importance of Art

      In this quote it explains the perspective some individuals have on art. They see it as a waste rather than a potential career. Almost as it is just an elective rather than a form of expressing and helping people. In general, American tax dollars go to taking care of other Americans. They pay for technology, education, and to services that all benefit people. Nothing about the arts.

    There are plenty of debates about whether or not arts should be included in the American Tax dollar. Some say it should be included because of the reflection and awareness it shows. By funding national art programs to increase society knowledges. Other say that it just not needed to be included.

  In my opinion, I believe that the art classes in high school are ways students can express themselves. Having these kinds of programs allow students to either help them if that's the kind of career they want to pursue or simply do it for fun as a way of expressing and taking a break from all of the core classes they take. If they kinds of programs were funded then it would allow the students to do more with the subject.

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