Friday, February 21, 2020

letter to the past

  To past Sophia, as you are taking Creative Photography make sure that you are trying your best in everything. Whether it is getting your assignments on time, take your time with each project, or not going with your first idea. This way you can get a better outcome. By doing the opposite, you will not get a good photo. With that being said that also goes for using as much class time needed to get your work done. When it comes to taking photos take a bunch of different photos for one assignment so you can get a variety to choose from. When taking the actual photo, make sure to check the brightness, exposure and what you are focusing on. You should never go with your first idea as well. These tips will help improve your photo taking.

      The photo below, is a previous artwork done for the midterm exam. I like this photo the most out of every other assignment because mainly I did not go with my first thought. I dug deeper to get an interesting topic to do with the paper. I ended up making a parachute and having a little paper man attached to it. It fulfilled the assignment because it was creative way to use paper in a photo. In order to take the photo, I had someone drop the parachute and I proceeded to take photos as it fell down using different angles and dozens of shots. 

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